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Learning & Inspiration
  • 12 Facts You Should Know About a Jewish FuneralLearn about the deeply meaningful ceremony steeped in tradition. Read More
  • Did Esau Really Forgive Jacob?The plain reading of the relevant verses suggests this; however, there is debate about what actually... Read More
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Dec. 25 - Jan. 2
Daily Thought
As the atmosphere envelops our planet, so your thoughts surround you. Every conscious thought, every utterance of your lips, every interaction with your world is released into an aura that surrounds you. Through that aura, all life, all blessing, all that shines down from Above must pass. An aura of beauty receives beauty. An aura of love receives love. An aura of life and joy is a channel for unbounded light. You are the master of that aura. Only you have the power to transform your thoughts at any moment from dissonance to...